Edit Terminology


TRANSITION:( how a shot goes from one to another)

CONTINUITY EDITING:(one of the most common forms of editing, continuity devices are used to make the edit appear smooth so as not to distract the viewer from the narrative)

AXIS MATCH:(the angle of the camera remains the same from shot to shot)

CROSS CUT/PARALLEL CUT:(editing that alternates between two or more scenes happening at the same time)

DIRECTION MATCH:(the direction of a person or object is consistent across the cut)

DISSOLVE:(Shot A gradually fades and is replaced with Shot B with a momentary superimposition of both shots)

DURATION AND PACING:(the length and rhythm of shots)

LONG TAKE:(shot that continues for a long time - could be a tracking shot that follows characters or could just be a shot that doesn't end for over 40 seconds)

EYE-LINE MATCH:(a cut where characters appear to look at each other because of the direction of their glances)

FADE-IN:(a gradual lightening of the image from black to light )

FADE-OUT:(gradual darkening of image to black)

GRAPHIC MATCH:(any juxtaposition of graphically similar images)

IRIS-IN:(image gradually appears from blackness through an expanding circle)

IRIS-OUT:(reverse of above)

MOVEMENT MATCH:(action begun in one shot is continued/completed in the next)

WIPE:(one image replaced with another - usually vertically but can take other shapes)

STRAIGHT CUT:( two shots joined together with no obvious continuity device)

JUMP CUT:(a break or jump in time created through removing section of a shot then splicing together what remains of it - appears jerky)

SOUND BRIDGE:( sound links images through continuing between shots)

CGI:(computer generated images)

SLOW MOTION/FAST MOTION:(images slowed down or speed up)    


  1. Good research. Targets:
    1) Add spaces after :
    2) Add video link examples.


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