News Idea

74% of Children aged twelve and fifteen are reported using Facebook, while 58% used Snapchat. Showing responses of more than 2% of children aged 12-15 using any social media sites or apps. Parents have been reporting that there child isn't safe online and a lot of social medias been fixing this with privacy information and websites to make your child safe. But it also happens online (games,talking to people and more).Here are some tips to keep your child safe online:

  • IF your child meets someone they doesn't know ( Ignore or Block them)
  • IF A stranger asks your child questions (personal ones) REPORT IT 
  • IF your child is talking to someone they don't know tell them to ( ignore it)
IF this doesn't work, Then call (ChildLine or NSPCC) And they will talk to your child if they have any problems online.


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