Exam Question

How does the lego movie use intertextuality to represent different people in the target audience?

the LEGO movie uses intertextuality to represent different members of the family target audience.The film is rated U which connotes the primary target audience is younger children while the secondary target audience is teenagers, parents and grandparents. In lego movie, they have a lot of reference from other movies and this is because lego movie tried to peel other audience than just kids.

younger audience:
For younger audience, lego movie tried to a peel the younger audience. Throughout the movie,the whole movie uses lego and just an advert for lego. Kids play with lego and a film about lego would grab the younger audience. There are also a lot of reference to the film and have younger audiences's favourite characters like: super heros,Ninja Turtles and more.

Teenager audience:

show your knowledge of copyright e.g. the fact that so many products and films allowed their material to feature in the film is interesting.the most likely reason for this is that is they say it as an excellent opportunity -which was the case as 


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