mojo exam case study

There are lots of differences to represent/ attract the target audience. 

The target audience is mainly males in their mid 30+ who are attracted: CLASSIC, MODERN ROCK, FOLK, SOUL, COUNTRY, REGGAE, ELECTRONIC, EXPERIMENTAL.

Example, mojo has a big clear image to attract the audience right away when they see the picture for the first time. They also have really popular people on the cover which the target audience would find attractive. However, the colour pallet is plain and basic which would really grab the eye right away. but, has the 1900's to 1970's vibe with the black and white image. Also, the low angle shot of the 5 famous artists show's power.

Another example is the minor images, that would attract the audiences right away to the golden image. The colour pallet is different from the main image which is bright and clear to the main image. Also, there is a list of band names which would have the royal and power feeling because of the golden colour. There is another small image with loads of famous quotes from famous bands and bold titles and subtitles.

The colour pallet is mainly plain and basic for the main image. the main colour pallet is black, white, gold and a little bit of red red refers to men because of violence and and white is referred to as old/dark because of black and white images or 'dark' is referred to as power/wealth.

The main image is big and clear and has the famous people in the middle with the low angle shot giving the people a 'power' vibe. 

The golden image in the bottom left corner bright and clear which is one of the things that would appeal targets eye because of the bright yellow colour.
The other image in the bottom right corner is an upside-down angle shot (180 degree) which has a powerful feeling because it makes us look upon them.The masthead is behind the main image clearly visible because its bright and bold than the main image. the masthead says "MOJO" which is the company of the music magazine and famous for it.The fonts are different around the magazine. most are black and bold which are more important and would grab the audience to it. However, smaller fonts are less important which is hard for the audience to see it ( which are mostly quotes )  and really wouldn't grab the audiences attention to it.



  1. Some really relevant points and good links to audience - I like your 1900s comment in paragraph BUT I think you mean 1970s (not 1900s).

    1) Improve opening - first part of sentence confused. Improve by starting off by clearly stating who the target audience is and that the magazine cover uses media language to attract this group.
    2) LL: Make sure each paragraph started with a capital letter.
    3) Correct 1900s to 1970s (paragraph 2)
    4) Use more media terminology e.g. camera shot type and angles when discussing the main image.


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