Goodwin's Music video theory

stage 1)

  • a relationship between the lyrics and visuals which illustrate, amply, or contradict the lyrics.
stage 2)
  • seeing the sounds - the relationship between the music (not the lyrics) and the visuals, which amplify or contradict the music.
stage 3)
  • Genre - related style and iconography present.
stage 4)
  • multiple close-ups of the main artist or vocalist : the creation of a star image to promote a recognisable brand image.
stage 5) 
  •   Voyeurism (keyword) - where in your video are they trying to show you that the artist or someone in it is good looking/ attractive - and encouraging you to see their desirable qualities.
stage 6)
  • intertextual references to other media texts may be present, especially in humorous videos.


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